Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fresh Bread 


Yeast - 2 ¼ tsp.
Sugar - 6 tbsp.
Salt – 1 tbsp.
Shortening (Butter flavored) -6 tbsp.
Water - 2 cps.
Milk – ¾ cp.
Bread flour – (At least) 7 cps.

1.       Mix together yeast in ¼ of water (warm) and 1tsp of sugar (out of the 6 tsps.)
2.       In a sauce pan add water and milk. Heat until the edge of the pot foams slightly. Remove from heat and add shortening, sugar, and salt. Let cool until lukewarm then mix in yeast
3.       Add in flour until firm enough to hand need.
4.       Put in greased bowl till it doubles in size
5.       Punch down
6.       Put in loaf pan till double in size.
7.       Bake 30 minutes at 375 degrees

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